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Research and Scholarship

My research primarily focuses on youth theatre, Theatre Education practices & pedagogy, and LGBTQ+ Theatre for Youth.  Take a look below at recent publications, scholarship, and the LGBTQ+ Theatre for Youth Project.


Waldron, Andrew. “Turning the Red Tide: The Creative Arts Team and Theatre-Based Youth AIDS Education in New York City, 1986-1992”. New England Theatre Journal. vol. 34 (2023)

LGBTQ+ Theatre for Youth Project. First of its kind research website documenting queer youth theatre. In collaboration with Ball State Office of Digital Research and Publishing. Launched October 1, 2023. 

Waldron, Andrew, Matthew Cooper, Felix Goetschius-Adams, Grace Guthrie, and Mason Sharon. “Uncovering LGBTQ+ Theatre for Youth: A Survey of Published Plays” Youth Theatre Journal, 30 June 2023. (co-written with Ball State undergraduate students)

Waldron, Andrew. “Revolutionizing the Curriculum in a Youth-Focused LGBTQ+ Theatre Course”. Theatre/Practice Journal. Co-Editors: Dan Smith and Karin Waidley. vol. 12, 2023

Elvin, Jaydene, and Andrew Waldron. “Act Like a Teacher: Shaping Future Educators through Theatre-based Pedagogy”. Cultivating Democratic Literacy through the Arts: Guiding Preservice Teachers Towards Innovative Learning Spaces in ELA Classrooms. Co-Editors: Dr. Pamela Hartman and Dr. Jeff Spanke. Information Age Publishing. (2023)

Waldron, Andrew. “Book Review: Teaching Critical Performance Theoryin Today’s Theatre Classroom, Studio, and Communities” Youth TheatreJournal, vol. 34, no. 2. Jan. 2021.

Online Research--The LGBTQ+ Theatre for Youth Project

The LGBTQ+ Theatre for Youth Project is a first-of-its-kind digital database of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ+) Theater for Youth. This new project seeks to find, read, analyze, and document as much LGBTQ+ theatre content that attends to lives of youth.  (


Our hope is to provide youth, educators, artists, theatre companies, scholars, playwrights, (and other interested parties), with an easy to use site where one can;

  • Read about a play, its content, cast size, length, and format

  • Search for plays that deal with specific LGBTQ+ communities and identity structures

  • Learn about the themes, stereotypes, and tropes present in the work to not only encourage more dynamic approaches to storytelling but to also engage scholarship in the field

  • Get linked to the publisher’s website for more information or to get your own copy

  • Share the amazing work that playwrights and companies have made that contribute to a growing body of diverse LGBTQ+ Theatre for Youth!

  • Explore additional resources including; youth theatre companies, queer literature, educational websites, etc.

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